Rocket Launcher Robot 适配UE5.5+科幻火箭发射器机器人
Missile Launcher Robot 适配UE5.5+导弹发射器机器人角色带动画
FPS Sniper Rifle Large Calibre (Animations) 适配UE4.26+狙击步枪
Buildings VOL.2 - Electric & Air (Nanite and Low Poly)适配5.1+家具
Knives VOL.1 - Hunting (4K Textured FPS Tactical Knives)适配UE5.1+匕首
Abandoned Service Garage - VOL.1 - Shelves and Storage 适配UE4.26+废弃仓库
Functional FPS Equipment 适配UE5.4+数码产品装备蓝图
Abandoned Service Garage - VOL.3 - Sales and Service 适配UE4.26+家具
Scifi Weapon Pack (FPS Anims) Vol 01 适配UE4.27+科幻武器动画
Buildings VOL.10 - Air Pipes and Vents (Nanite and Low Poly)5.1+通风口管道
Modular Pipes and Vents 适配UE4.26+道通风口管道道具
Vehicles VOL.5 - Trucks, Tractors, Buses (Low Poly)适配UE5.1+巴士车辆
Cyberpunk Handguns 适配4.26+赛博朋克手枪模型
Coffee Shop 适配UE4.27+咖啡店铺场景
Nanite Trees 适配UE5.4+高品质树木森林细节大树模型
Construction Props - Vol 2 适配UE5.2-5.1建筑工具道具模型
Props - Luggage & Bags vol 2. - Early Access 适配5.1+行李箱手提包模型
Roadside VOL.3 - Rural Props (Nanite and Low Poly Versions)适配UE5.1+
Modular Destroyed Buildings (Modular House, Modular Building)UE5.2+废墟
Ultra-Custom Animated Books with Localized Text and JournalScrapbook 4.26+
Classic Tram Functional 适配UE5.4可驾驶经典电车道具模型
Electrical Substation 适配UE4.26+小型变电站模型道具
Gothic Dungeon Props Vol1 适配UE5.0+中世纪牢笼地牢道具
Grocery VOL.2 - Household Items (Nanite and Low Poly)适配UE5.1+家居用品
World War II - VOL.1 适配UE5.2+第二次世界大战游戏道具
Gothic Furniture Props Vol1 适配UE5.0+中世纪哥特式家具
Resource Gathering Set 适配UE5.0+资源收集单手双手工具动画
Lighting VOL.3 - Industrial (Nanite and Low Poly)适配UE5.1+照明灯具模型
Vehicles VOL.6 - Hitches & Trailers (Low Poly)适配UE5.1+挂车拖车模型
Retro 80's VOL.3 - Toys (Nanite and Low Poly)适配UE5.1+复古玩具
Vehicles VOL.3 - Retro Cars (Low Poly)适配UE5.1+复古汽车模型
Roadside VOL.1 - Blockades (Nanite and Low Poly Versions)适配UE5.1+路石墩
Vehicles VOL.1 - Small Rides (Nanite and Low Poly)UE5.1+自行车摩托车辆
Egyptian Props Vol1 适配UE5.1+埃及法老石像守卫道具
Small Structures VOL.1 [ Low Poly ]适配UE5.1+小型房屋模型
Lighting VOL.1 - Interior (Nanite and Low Poly)适配UE5.1+照明灯具模型
Laundry VOL.2 - Home Laundry (Nanite and Low Poly) 适配UE5.1+家庭洗衣房
Vehicles VOL.7 - Retro Cars (Low Poly) 适配UE5.1+复古车辆模型
Lighting VOL.2 - Interior (Nanite and Low Poly)适配UE5.1+照明灯具模型
Vehicles VOL.2 - Retro Cars (Low Poly)适配UE5.1+复古车模型