Ascent Combat Framework Ultimate (ACF U) - C++ Complete Game Creator 1.1 UE5.5
Journeyman's Minimap 1.2 适配UE5.4-5.5
Async Blueprints Extension 1.5.1 适配UE5.3-5.4
Async Blueprints Extension 1.5.0 适配UE5.3
Async Blueprints Extension 1.4.1 适配UE5.3
Advanced Beard System 适配UE4.27+动态胡须创建模拟系统
USurfaceMesh 1.3.1 适配UE5.3,5.3.2网格表面投射工具
Procedural Building Generator Pro 适配UE5.1+高楼大厦建筑生成器
Downhill BIke (MTB)适配UE4.27,5.0山地车动态动画蓝图
Easy Multi Save 1.67 适配UE5.4-5.5
Inventory System 适配UE5.0,5.1
Shader World procedural landscape, ocean, foliage 3.8.1 适配UE5.5
EnGore Procedural Dismemberment 1.3.3 适配UE5.4
RPG ENGINE v1.7.2 适配UE5.5+
Electronic Nodes 3.14 适配UE5.5
Darker Nodes 3.4 适配UE5.4
EasyMorph 适配4.27,5.0-5.5简化扩展动画变形蓝图工具
Fade Anything 适配UE5.3+
Line Of Sight. Dynamic mesh. 1.1 适配UE5.3-5.5视野范围检测插件
Runtime Vertex Paint & Detection Plugin 1.28.4 适配UE5.5
Shader World procedural landscape, ocean, foliage 3.5.8 适配UE5.3
Smooth Sync 1.46 适配UE5.5
Semi-Permanent Blood Droplets 适配UE4.25-4.27,5.0-5.4人物流血特效
BLE Utilities V2 2.0.9 适配UE5.5
Easy Flight Model 3.31 适配UE5.5
GAS Companion 6.0.2 适配UE5.3-5.4游戏技能系统
Desktop Functions Plugin 1.30 适配UE5.4-5.5桌面功能插件
MySQL Connect 3.0.2 适配UE5.4-5.5数据库连接器
Quest System 适配UE5.0-5.1游戏任务奖励系统
Interactive Water, Ocean and Swim Systems 适配UE5.3+水海洋游泳系统
Easy Flight Model 3.23 适配UE5.4简易飞行代码物理计算
Voyager Third Person Shooter V2 2.0.1 适配UE5.5+第三人称射击模板
Snapping Helper 1.41 适配UE5.5
Ultra Camera 适配UE5.0
Runtime DataTable 适配UE5.4
Smooth Sync 1.45 适配UE5.4
Smooth Sync 1.44 适配UE5.3
Sidescroller Full Template 适配UE5.3+横板跑酷蓝图模板
Voyager Third Person Shooter V2 1.4.1 适配UE5.0+第三人称射击模板
MySQL and MariaDB Integration 4.1 适配UE5.3集成插件