cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-22 14:28:31

【更新】ANIMSET BAZOOKA 1.5火箭筒动画

***Included Inside upcoming ULTIMATE ANIMATION COLLECTION***

In need of some high quality bazooka animations for you project? Then look no further!

This animset currently includes 170+ humanoid motion captured animations (60 being root motion variations): walk, run, crouch, take cover, shoot, throw grenades, get hit, death and more...



本动画集目前包含 170 多个人形动作捕捉动画(60 个为根动作变化):行走、奔跑、蹲下、躲避、射击、投掷手榴弹、被击中、死亡等...

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查看完整版本: 【更新】ANIMSET BAZOOKA 1.5火箭筒动画