cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-24 12:19:17

【更新】Mesh Smoother - Mesh Edge Normal Editor, Mesh Modifier 1.0.1

Easy to use
No coding skills required. Simply open the Mesh Smoother tool and you are ready to go.

Non-Destructive Worflow
Smoothed Meshes can be stored as files (.asset or .obj).
All your animations, blend shapes, etc. will remain intact.

Precise Edge Normal Recalculation
A convenient way of selectively smoothing a subset of edges.
NOTICE: It does NOT introduce any new faces (this is not a beveling tool).

Supports Unity 2021.2+, 2022, 2023, 2024, ... LTS
It may work with earlier versions too but those are not tested anymore.

This is NOT a beveling tool. It will NOT introduce any new geometry. All it does is give you a convenient way of recalculating parts of your mesh normals.

.OBJ as a file format can not store animations. If you want to store animations, blend shapes etc. in a file then please use the Unity asset format (that's the default anyways).

Edge sharpening is currently not supported since that would introduce new geometry (new vertices). However, I may add sharpening if there is enough demand for it (and if this sells well enough, tbh).

Please be aware that the higher the polygon count the more CPU power this tool will require. There is no hard limit, it's just that it really depends on how fast your CPU is. Thousands of polys should be fine. Hundred thousands or millions may not.

1) Select your model.
2) Open the Mesh Smoother Tool
3) Pick the edges
4) Click "Smooth"


平滑后的网格可存储为文件(.asset 或 .obj)。


支持 Unity 2021.2+、2022、2023、2024、... LTS


.OBJ 作为一种文件格式不能存储动画。如果您想在文件中存储动画、混合形状等,请使用 Unity 资产格式(这是默认格式)。


请注意,多边形数量越多,该工具所需的 CPU 功耗就越高。这并没有硬性限制,只是取决于你的 CPU 运算速度。数千个多边形应该没问题。但数十万或数百万个可能就不行了。

1) 选择模型。
2) 打开 "网格平滑器工具
3) 选择边缘
4) 单击 "平滑

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