cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-15 11:01:43

【更新】Platformer Project 1.8.4

本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-4-15 14:43 编辑

Platformer Project 1.2版下载链接

The Platformer Project is suitable for those looking for a solid foundation to build your dream 3D platform games, providing core mechanics inspired by the most influential games from the genre.

[*]Mobile Support;
[*]Custom Kinematic Character Controller;
[*]Humanoid Rig support (share animations);
[*]Save/Load (Binary, JSON, or Playerprefs);
[*]Multiple save slots support;
[*]Three stars, coins, and best time saving;
[*]Life system w/ level respawn/restart;
[*]3D Dynamic Camera;
[*]Level Checkpoint system;
[*]Enemy AI and Hazards;
[*]Surface Footsteps;
[*]Cute and animated low poly models.

[*]Full 3D Movement;
[*]Gravity Fields (Walk on Planets);
[*]Smooth character leaning;
[*]Slope Physics (Speed Up or Slow Down);
[*]Rail Grinding (slopes & loop-the-loop);
[*]Pick Up and Throw objects;
[*]Spin Attack ability;
[*]Air Spin Attack;
[*]Gliding ability;
[*]Heavy Stomp ability;
[*]Air Dive ability;
[*]Multiple jump abilities;
[*]Backflip jump ability;
[*]Running ability;
[*]Coyote time threshold (safer jumps);
[*]Jump Input Buffer (precise jumps);
[*]Wall slide and wall jump;
[*]Ledge Grabbing;
[*]Ledge Climbing;
[*]Ground & Air Dash ability;
[*]Crouch and Crawl (resize collider);
[*]Swim and Dive ability for water levels;
[*]Climb Up/Down poles;
[*]Moving Platforms;
[*]Falling Platforms;
[*]Springs (jump boards);
[*]Force Fields;
[*]Hidden Collectables;
[*]Bouncy Collectables;
[*]Item Boxes;
[*]Destroyable Objects;
[*]Pushable Objects;
[*]Portals travel.

[*]New Input System;
[*]Post Processing;
[*]Shader Graph;

Platformer Project适合那些希望为构建自己梦想的 3D 平台游戏打下坚实基础的用户,它提供的核心机制受到了该类型游戏中最具影响力的游戏的启发。


[*]人形装备 支持(共享动画);
[*]保存/ 加载(二进制、JSON 或 Playerprefs);
[*]3D 动态摄像头;
[*]敌人 AI和危险;

[*]全 3D 运动;
[*]奔跑 能力
[*]丛林狼时间 阈值(更安全的跳跃);
[*]蹲下 和爬行 (调整碰撞器大小);
[*]水层游泳和潜水 能力;


页: [1]
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